Assassins Creed III Walkthrough Sequence 12 - Laid to rest.

September 12, 2016 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 1 minutes

This Assassins Creed III walkthrough is divided into 48 total pages.

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Sequence 12 - Laid to rest.

Assassins Creed III Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-III 418
Assassins Creed III Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-III 418

To begin the mission head to the cemetary, you will be noticed by the templar gaurds.

Assassins Creed III Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-III 419
Assassins Creed III Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-III 419

Counter the enemy attack and you will need to kill two groups of enemies.

Assassins Creed III Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-III 420
Assassins Creed III Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-III 420

You will need to head to a ship that is marked on your map. Climb up onto it and then head right and continue climbing around it to the right.

Assassins Creed III Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-III 421
Assassins Creed III Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-III 421

From there will you will a nearby window. Evesdrop the conversation.

Assassins Creed III Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-III 422
Assassins Creed III Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-III 422

Once the men have finished talking, slowly move further to the right. Continue climbing right and wait until the gaurd has turned his back and continue on to the designated area.

Assassins Creed III Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-III 423
Assassins Creed III Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-III 423

Hidden behind the boxes, evesdrop the second conversation.

Assassins Creed III Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-III 424
Assassins Creed III Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-III 424

You will now need to leave the ship. You can just simply run and jump off the side of the ship into the water. Once you're clear of the red zone the mission will end.

More Assassins Creed III Walkthroughs

This Assassins Creed III walkthrough is divided into 48 total pages.

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