This Devil May Cry 4 walkthrough is divided into 20 total pages.
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Mission 13 The Devil Returns
{Dante} Drive down the dragon that spreads its wickedness through the forest
![Devil May Cry 4 Walkthrough - Devil May-Cry-4 343](devil-may-cry-4-343-small.webp)
Ancient training ground, break the eggs and run across the bridge and through the door at the end
![Devil May Cry 4 Walkthrough - Devil May-Cry-4 344](devil-may-cry-4-344-small.webp)
Forgotten ruins, head straight across until you can jump down to the other path do so
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Head into the fog down here
![Devil May Cry 4 Walkthrough - Devil May-Cry-4 346](devil-may-cry-4-346-small.webp)
Youll now be in the Windswept valley jump down and the room will seal and some assaults will attack kill them off
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After they are dead and the room unseals take the path up towards the church, and break and eggs
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Ancient plaza, more assaults here kill them off to unseal the room and exit out the path to the river, also get the eggs
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Lapis river, couple of Mephistos will attack, the fog under to bridge is your goal
![Devil May Cry 4 Walkthrough - Devil May-Cry-4 350](devil-may-cry-4-350-small.webp)
Windswept valley, head inside the church, break the eggs in the courtyard
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Inside there is a Combat Adj.(requires A)and a lot of eggs, head to the door that was previously blocked by a tree and go in it
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Lost woods, couple Assaults, again go opposite the shadow.(or Straight, Behind, Right, Right)
![Devil May Cry 4 Walkthrough - Devil May-Cry-4 353](devil-may-cry-4-353-small.webp)
Youll be in the Forgotten ruins break the eggs, and exit out the back
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Den of the she viper, Boss Battle Time! Echidna Again!
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Pretty much do the same thing here except you cant grab her, shoot and dodge as she comes by like before
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When she partly goes into the ground and exposes her Sack instead of grabbing it just Devil trigger and kick the crap out of it
![Devil May Cry 4 Walkthrough - Devil May-Cry-4 357](devil-may-cry-4-357-small.webp)
When she reveals herself take advantage and jump up there and lay into her
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Once she fully goes into the ground get in close devil trigger and go to town on her
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Once she goes down youll receive Gilgamesh and some tutorials on how to use it
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And how to change your sword
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Exit out the zone to end mission 13.
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More Devil May Cry 4 Walkthroughs
This Devil May Cry 4 walkthrough is divided into 20 total pages.