Halo 3 Walkthrough Last Stand - If You Want It Done Right

September 12, 2016 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 3 minutes

This Halo 3 walkthrough is divided into 24 total pages.

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Last Stand - If You Want It Done Right

At the beach, jump in a hornet. Sweet, you just found a flying ride.

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Halo 3 Walkthrough - Halo 3 276

Left stick is forward/backwards. RS is up/down. LT fires missiles and RT fires the turret. To the right is an island. A wraith will be dropped on it.

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Kill any other covenant forces around you as well. Follow the coast. Keep the mountains to your right.

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Around the corner is the third tower.

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Clear the area of any phantoms and other flying covenant ships.

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Then clear the anti-aircraft wraith on the ground. There are two, one on each side of the tower.

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Halo 3 Walkthrough - Halo 3 281

Once the area is cleared land next to the tower and jump out of the hornet.

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When you are on the ground, run up the stairs and kill the brutes here.

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Go down the ramps on either side to a door. Brutes will come out of the door.

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Enter the tower through the door. Go forward in to the room. Drones will attack you.

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There are also two hunters. Take them down as well.

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Keep heading to the back of the room where the door is. Go through door and to the left.

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To the left will be the upper section again. Go around to the right and kill the brutes that come out of the door.

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Halo 3 Walkthrough - Halo 3 288

In the upper section, drones attack again. Walk out on the walkway to the elevator controls.

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Halo 3 Walkthrough - Halo 3 289

Ride the elevator to the top. At the top are some brutes. There are five of them to be exact. Four have cloaking devices.

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After the brutes are dead, throw the switch to deactivate the shield generator.

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A cut scene will begin. After the scene the tower is infested with the flood.

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So go back to the elevator. Ride it back to the bottom of the tower.

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Make your way back around to the elites. They will be in the room you fought the hunters in.

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Outside the door will be some more flood. Use your new grenade on the fat flood.

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This will stop them from releasing the little flood that infect people.

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Once back at the landing zone. To the left will be some vehicles. May I suggest the scorpion tank.

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Go in to the tunnel.

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