Prey Walkthrough Center of Gravity

September 12, 2016 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 6 minutes

This Prey walkthrough is divided into 22 total pages.

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Center of Gravity

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 631
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 631

Turn around to find an ammo cabinet and a lightning Leech station. Through the first door you'll find a pair of health spores, then this harvester attacks. Defeat him and a second harvester emerges from the left. I'm using the acid gun here but found the lightning gun to be far superior.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 632
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 632

A third harvester patrols this next room.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 633
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 633

Another lightning station is in the far right corner. Spirit Walk through the force field.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 634
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 634

Disable the force field with this console.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 635
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 635

The launcher works well against the hunters in this next room. Note the spores ahead and video slots machine in the left corner.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 636
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 636

Use this console then see a lift rise on the other side of the window. Step through the portal.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 637
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 637

Witness a hunter get crushed by an asteroid then walk over to the lift (arrow).

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 638
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 638

Spirit Walk across this bridge.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 639
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 639

Use this console to activate a portal. Step through.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 640
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 640

Find yourself back here. Use the console to lower the lift.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 641
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 641

Return to your body and rush through the indicated portal before a pair of robots attack.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 642
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 642

Spirit Walk through the force field on the right to find rifle and Auto Cannon ammunition on a pipe. Return to your body then drop through the trap door on the left.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 643
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 643

Your Auto Cannon does double duty against a turret and some robots.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 644
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 644

You want to get on the other side of the beam above. Position yourself to fall on the beam before shooting the gravity switch.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 645
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 645

Drop over the other side, careful not to fall into the pit.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 646
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 646

Destroy this turret then shoot the gravity switch above.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 647
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 647

Exit through the door ahead.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 648
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 648

Grab supplies from the ammo locker then find the door you came through has closed. Wait for it to unlock and discover the room has moved you to another part of the Citadel.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 649
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 649

Head right and defeat a pair of harvesters.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 650
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 650

Spirit Walk across the bridge in the background to this walkway console.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 651
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 651

Defeat a pair of hunters as you backtrack to this walkway found on the opposite of the door where you entered this area.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 652
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 652

Predictably, hunters attack as you advance along the walkway.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 653
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 653

The walkway brings you to this area. Sniping is highly recommended against the hunters.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 654
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 654

Grab the area's abundant health and ammo before calling a shuttle.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 655
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 655

A turret attacks from your left, and a graviton beam pulls you towards it, making navigation difficult. Destroy both.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 656
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 656

Look up to find the exit hatch.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 657
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 657

A harvester and a pair of robots try to stop you in this area. Stay close to the pad so you can recharge your exoskeleton.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 658
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 658

This unfortunate hunter also attacks.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 659
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 659

Land on the pad then walk up the pipes to the force field surrounding the asteroid ahead.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 660
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 660

The asteroid is your new center of gravity. Spirit walk to drop through the force field. Use the console below to turn the force field off, then return to your body.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 661
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 661

Approach this nearby station and defeat the hunters which spawn.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 662
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 662

Use this console to open the hatch beyond.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 663
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 663

Hunters and robots attack. Quickly turn around and call a shuttle.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 664
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 664

Pick off the hunters and blast the robots.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 665
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 665

Advance through this now-open tunnel.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 666
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 666

Emerge out the other side and find these two asteroids connected into a single structure.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 667
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 667

The first thing to do is rush to this landing pad at the top of the lower asteroid. Now you've got a place for your ship to heal as you battle the pursuing robots.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 668
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 668

Land on the pad after the robots are defeated, then walk to these pipes.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 669
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 669

Follow the pipes to the neighboring asteroid. Snipe the hunters that spawn as you approach

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 670
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 670

Heal at the spore and use this console.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 671
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 671

Exhaust vents are activated, their doors alternating as they open, then fire, then stop, then close. This is your escape.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 672
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 672

Return along these pipes to the other asteroid. Note that another set of pipes are inaccessible due to gravity's orientation.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 673
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 673

Call a shuttle then terrorize the hunters that spawn.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 674
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 674

Fly up towards the ceiling then position yourself in front of one of the two vents. You want to be far enough away so as not to be damaged by the exhaust, but close enough so you can rush through after the exhaust stops but before the doors close.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 675
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 675

Once inside, avoid the exhaust gas as you wait for this door to open.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 676
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 676

Fly through, then look up to find the exit hatch.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 677
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 677

Emerge to find yourself at the Citadel's main power core. Oh yes, you're in the driver's seat now. The epic music that plays is very effective.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 678
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 678

The core and its rotating supports will be firing continuously at you, so the first order of business is to find a landing pad such as the one seen on the right.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 679
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 679

Your next task is to destroy these rotating supports, but firing at their backside like this does no good.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 680
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 680

Instead, you need to hit the gravity-switch like device on the support's front. This will send the device tumbling to its destruction.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 681
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 681

Once all the supports are gone, you'll need to destroy the four rings inside the remaining pillar.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 682
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 682

Once the rings are gone, the core collapses. Mother seems irritated.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 683
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 683

Fly up to find the exit.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 684
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 684

Follow the tunnel to this landing pad.

Prey Walkthrough - Prey 685
Prey Walkthrough - Prey 685

Exit your shuttle then step through the portal to finish the level.

More Prey Walkthroughs

This Prey walkthrough is divided into 22 total pages.

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