This Resistance 2 walkthrough is divided into 11 total pages.
You can jump to nearby pages of the game using the links above.
Cocodrie Louisiana USA
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0448](resistance-2-0448-small.webp)
As you start out do as directed and move up
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0449](resistance-2-0449-small.webp)
Snipe the 3 chimera you see guarding the building for a checkpoint
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0447](resistance-2-0447-small.webp)
Take out the few remaining chimera and head into the house
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0450](resistance-2-0450-small.webp)
Once inside head up stairs
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0451](resistance-2-0451-small.webp)
At the top small wave of chimera toss grenades into the rooms then retreat into
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0452](resistance-2-0452-small.webp)
Then head back down stairs and take out the wave that is rushing in at the door
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0453](resistance-2-0453-small.webp)
After they are down a checkpoint
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0454](resistance-2-0454-small.webp)
Now run up to the very top of this building and grab the LARK
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0455](resistance-2-0455-small.webp)
Boss fight time Marauder.
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0456](resistance-2-0456-small.webp)
Pretty easy fight just avoid him and fire rockets when you have a shot
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0457](resistance-2-0457-small.webp)
After 3 he goes down, just remember after you fire run away and re-find him
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0458](resistance-2-0458-small.webp)
Head out side and find his corpse
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0459](resistance-2-0459-small.webp)
Run and jump up onto it and head over his fallen body, on the other side jump
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0460](resistance-2-0460-small.webp)
Once on the dock head up and into the building in front of you
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0461](resistance-2-0461-small.webp)
Head through the building and jump out the back
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0462](resistance-2-0462-small.webp)
This area will be a linear path, head up the stairs and over the crates
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0463](resistance-2-0463-small.webp)
Soon a checkpoint and a shotgun
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0464](resistance-2-0464-small.webp)
Round the corner and get to running, titans are firing at you
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0465](resistance-2-0465-small.webp)
Once inside the building, a checkpoint and some SRPA troops
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0466](resistance-2-0466-small.webp)
Head down stairs and to these boxes outside, and kill the chimera
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0467](resistance-2-0467-small.webp)
If you duck you can fire at the titans head, and not get shot
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0468](resistance-2-0468-small.webp)
After they are down, head across the bridge and jump down for a checkpoint
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0469](resistance-2-0469-small.webp)
Head inside and upstairs and kill the 4 chimera here with a grenade
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0470](resistance-2-0470-small.webp)
Then head out the door to the left, some drones will be in here kill him
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0471](resistance-2-0471-small.webp)
Take the path in the back and follow it around and down
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0472](resistance-2-0472-small.webp)
At the bottom head onto the paddle boat for a checkpoint
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0473](resistance-2-0473-small.webp)
Your objective is the top of this boat, feel free to search for ammo and such
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0474](resistance-2-0474-small.webp)
At the top a checkpoint, and another titan shoot him with rockets or the Wraith
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0475](resistance-2-0475-small.webp)
After he falls a checkpoint, then head across the path in front of you
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0476](resistance-2-0476-small.webp)
Soon you'll meet up with SRPA, and a ship, this will be a checkpoint as well
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0477](resistance-2-0477-small.webp)
After the short scene, a huge wave will rush in kill them off for a checkpoint
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0478](resistance-2-0478-small.webp)
Which in turn trigger a even bigger wave, after they are down, head up the ramp?
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0479](resistance-2-0479-small.webp)
Kill the chimera that rushes and head down the other side
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0480](resistance-2-0480-small.webp)
Head over to the stairs for a checkpoint, then head up them
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0481](resistance-2-0481-small.webp)
At the top grab some grenades and head to the center for another checkpoint
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0482](resistance-2-0482-small.webp)
Then down the other side and up the staircase
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0483](resistance-2-0483-small.webp)
At the top a scene, DANGER!
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0484](resistance-2-0484-small.webp)
After the scene follow Blake
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0485](resistance-2-0485-small.webp)
Theyâll lead you to a gate, then blow it open for a checkpoint, head inside
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0486](resistance-2-0486-small.webp)
A wave a leapers will rush in kill them and head out
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0487](resistance-2-0487-small.webp)
Then into the next tunnel, wait for the gate to be blown open and head in
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0488](resistance-2-0488-small.webp)
There will be 6 or 7 chameleon that come at you while going through the water
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0489](resistance-2-0489-small.webp)
On the other side back on land a checkpoint follow Blake
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0490](resistance-2-0490-small.webp)
Soon they will head down the hill to the battle
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0491](resistance-2-0491-small.webp)
After the battle a checkpoint
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0492](resistance-2-0492-small.webp)
After this checkpoint follow SRPA to the ship
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0493](resistance-2-0493-small.webp)
Then a Huge Battle will ensue kill off all the waves to End this first part of the Mission
![Resistance 2 Walkthrough - Resistance 2 0494](resistance-2-0494-small.webp)
More Resistance 2 Walkthroughs
This Resistance 2 walkthrough is divided into 11 total pages.