Saints Row IV Walkthrough 14 - Emergency Situation

September 12, 2016 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 2 minutes

This Saints Row IV walkthrough is divided into 47 total pages.

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14 - Emergency Situation

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SOMETHING'S WRONG IN STEELPORT > [**Restock ammo and purchase upgrades first before start this mission as you have to defeat the Warden with a new power, later] Simply enter the simulation, then listen to what Kinzie has to say.

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REMOVE THE CLONES FROM STEELPORT > Meet up with CID. Use Telekinesis to throw it into the air.

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Head to the relay point on your map now. Destroy it.

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Go to the second point, throw CID into the air again.

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Find the relay location, blow them both up.

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Proceed to the third location. This time there are six relays to be destroyed.

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Now, on the fourth location, a new type of enemy shows up - Marauder.

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To defeat it, shoot at it's weak point. There's a green shining panel at the back of it's head. [**Freeze Blast it first to stop it from moves it's head around, then shoot at the green panel)

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Throw CID into the generator to deactivate the shield. Then destroy the relay.

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Proceed to the next location. Use Telekinesis to throw the clones back into source.

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A throwback clone will spawn from the source, beat him up until he's weak enough to be thrown back through the portal.

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[**Tips: Fight your enemies on the rooftop so that the clones can't throw objects to you. Keep Freeze Blast them to disable their shield, then shoot them.]

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Two more throwback clones pop out, so repeat the process all over again.

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Go to the Data Surge, defeat the Warden

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Kill the Warden and you'll learn the new passive super power - Buff.

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Finish the tutorial to end the mission.

More Saints Row IV Walkthroughs

This Saints Row IV walkthrough is divided into 47 total pages.

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