Silent Hill 2 Walkthrough The Underground Channels Part 3

September 12, 2016 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 2 minutes

This Silent Hill 2 walkthrough is divided into 29 total pages.

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The Underground Channels Part 3

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Silent Hill 2 Walkthrough - Silent Hill-2 284

After leaving the room with the bodies. Head for the last door on the corridor. The one that's beside the room with the empty noose.

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Silent Hill 2 Walkthrough - Silent Hill-2 285

Use the key of the persecuted on the handcuffs that's holding the crank in place. James will open the door after that. Use the ladder to descend on the lower floors.

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Silent Hill 2 Walkthrough - Silent Hill-2 286

Keep following the path until you see the wooden door that's on the opposite side. Ignore the metal door on the right side. That's an event triggered door so it won't unlock yet. Once you enter the door there's going to be a short cutscene.

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Silent Hill 2 Walkthrough - Silent Hill-2 287

After the cutscene James will automatically leave the room and the metal gate will be unlocked. Follow the path. There's only one road and it leads to a ladder. Take that ladder back up to higher grounds.

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Silent Hill 2 Walkthrough - Silent Hill-2 288

You'll find a first aid-kit as soon as you get up the ladder. Grab it and continue following the hallway and it will lead you into an indoor graveyard.

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Silent Hill 2 Walkthrough - Silent Hill-2 289

There are some bullets near the save point. Grab those and head towards the right side of the room. On the lower right side there are some shotgun shells. On the upper mid side there's another box of shotgun shells.

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Silent Hill 2 Walkthrough - Silent Hill-2 290

The tombstone of the bottomless grave has an ampoule near it. Grab that. Equip your shotgun and save your game. Feel free to read the tombstones if you want to. Then jump down the deep grave once you're done.

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Silent Hill 2 Walkthrough - Silent Hill-2 291

Once again you'll need to make your way down the earth and into god knows where. Keep walking until you get to the door.

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Silent Hill 2 Walkthrough - Silent Hill-2 292

It's a pretty long walk, but you'll know when you get there.

More Silent Hill 2 Walkthroughs

This Silent Hill 2 walkthrough is divided into 29 total pages.

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