This Condemned Criminal Origins walkthrough is divided into 10 total pages.
You can jump to nearby pages of the game using the links above.
Chapter 1
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0001](condemned-criminal-origins-0001-small.webp)
Welcome to our Condemned: Criminal Origins walkthrough. This walkthrough was completed using the default Normal difficulty on the Xbox 360 game console.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0002](condemned-criminal-origins-0002-small.webp)
After the cut scene, you'll be instructed to follow Detective Dickenson to a crime scene.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0003](condemned-criminal-origins-0003-small.webp)
You'll need to press the A button to duck under the police tape.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0004](condemned-criminal-origins-0004-small.webp)
Follow Detective Dickenson through the building.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0005](condemned-criminal-origins-0005-small.webp)
Dickenson will eventually tell you to turn on your flashlight. Do this with the B button.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0006](condemned-criminal-origins-0006-small.webp)
Dickenson will walk away from you. Go through the door he passes on the right.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0007](condemned-criminal-origins-0007-small.webp)
On a shelf you'll find a dead bird. Press A to pick it up. This is BIRD #1.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0008](condemned-criminal-origins-0008-small.webp)
You'll earn an achievement, "Chapter 1 Bronze Bird Award." There are six birds to collect in each chapter of the game.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0009](condemned-criminal-origins-0009-small.webp)
Leave the room and find Dickenson. He will introduce you to Officer Becker.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0010](condemned-criminal-origins-0010-small.webp)
Follow Dickenson to the corpse.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0011](condemned-criminal-origins-0011-small.webp)
You'll get a phone call from Lieutenant Rosa, your lab technician.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0012](condemned-criminal-origins-0012-small.webp)
Go up to the corpse and press the X button to investigate the crime. You'll use a UV light to find the trauma point on her neck.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0013](condemned-criminal-origins-0013-small.webp)
Once you find the trauma point, you'll be able to press X to use the collection tool. You'll use a digital camera to take a picture for your lab tech. You'll need to use the left and right analog sticks to get the picture framed properly. Once you do, the white bars on the screen will glow brightly.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0014](condemned-criminal-origins-0014-small.webp)
Now press the RT (Right Trigger) button to collect the evidence. This is will the picture to the lab.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0015](condemned-criminal-origins-0015-small.webp)
The lab will want more evidence. Use X to investigate the mannequin sitting at the table. You'll find a mark on the face of interest.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0016](condemned-criminal-origins-0016-small.webp)
Press X to collect the evidence. You'll need to use the left analog stick to focus the picture. The two small arrows on the picture will line up when it is focused. Press the RT button to send the evidence.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0017](condemned-criminal-origins-0017-small.webp)
After this Dickenson will smell cigarette smoke. Follow him into a room with some windows.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0018](condemned-criminal-origins-0018-small.webp)
Walk over to a table with an ashtray to start a cut scene.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0019](condemned-criminal-origins-0019-small.webp)
Dickenson will tell you to get the lights back on.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0020](condemned-criminal-origins-0020-small.webp)
You'll get a call, telling you of an enemy in your path.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0021](condemned-criminal-origins-0021-small.webp)
You will now have a gun to fight with.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0022](condemned-criminal-origins-0022-small.webp)
As you proceed forward. An enemy will jump out at you. Shoot him in the head for an instant kill. If you are trying for Achievements you may want to fight only with melee weapons. You can make a gun into a melee weapon by pressing the RB button. I did shoot the first few enemies with a gun in this chapter, and still got the Achievement at the end of the game. Maybe the first few enemies don't count since they are kind of a tutorial?
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0023](condemned-criminal-origins-0023-small.webp)
Another call will give some more information on these enemies.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0024](condemned-criminal-origins-0024-small.webp)
Go through the door to the left of the storage cabinet.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0025](condemned-criminal-origins-0025-small.webp)
You'll find an enemy laying on the ground, nearly dead. You can kick enemies when they're down by pressing the right analog stick as a button.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0026](condemned-criminal-origins-0026-small.webp)
You'll find a storage cabinet in this room. Press A to open it.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0027](condemned-criminal-origins-0027-small.webp)
Inside will be a Health Kit. Press A to use it, if needed.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0028](condemned-criminal-origins-0028-small.webp)
Leave the room. On your right you'll find a door with some stairs in it.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0029](condemned-criminal-origins-0029-small.webp)
Climb up the staircase.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0030](condemned-criminal-origins-0030-small.webp)
Go straight as you come out of the stairwell.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0031](condemned-criminal-origins-0031-small.webp)
Take a left at the end of the hall.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0032](condemned-criminal-origins-0032-small.webp)
Then turn into a room to your right.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0033](condemned-criminal-origins-0033-small.webp)
There will be a room to the right containing a METAL PIECE #1 on the wall. Pick it up with A. There are three metal pieces to find in each chapter.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0034](condemned-criminal-origins-0034-small.webp)
Go back to the stairwell. The path that was originally blocked on your left will now be cleared.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0035](condemned-criminal-origins-0035-small.webp)
Take this path and you'll find another enemy you need to kill.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0036](condemned-criminal-origins-0036-small.webp)
In the middle windowsill you will find BIRD #2.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0037](condemned-criminal-origins-0037-small.webp)
At the other end of this room, you'll find a storage cabinet. There's a Health Kit inside if you need it.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0038](condemned-criminal-origins-0038-small.webp)
Go through the door to the right of the storage cabinet. Continue along the linear path given. You'll be following the suspect as you go.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0039](condemned-criminal-origins-0039-small.webp)
The suspect will end up getting out of reach. Go through the door you come to.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0040](condemned-criminal-origins-0040-small.webp)
At the opposite end of this room, you'll find the lever you need to pull to restore power.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0041](condemned-criminal-origins-0041-small.webp)
When you pull it, you'll get an electric shock. You'll end up dropping your gun. The suspect will pick it up and take off.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0042](condemned-criminal-origins-0042-small.webp)
Follow the suspect. You'll need to find weapons to use on the way. You can grab things like this Small Pipe to use as a weapon.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0043](condemned-criminal-origins-0043-small.webp)
Move the desk in your path by pressing A.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0044](condemned-criminal-origins-0044-small.webp)
Head through the doorway on your left.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0045](condemned-criminal-origins-0045-small.webp)
You'll come to an area with a Health Box on the wall. Use this if needed.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0046](condemned-criminal-origins-0046-small.webp)
On the floor, near the Health Box, you'll find BIRD #3.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0047](condemned-criminal-origins-0047-small.webp)
Go back to the desk and take the other path given. You'll reach a room with an enemy ripping open a wall.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0048](condemned-criminal-origins-0048-small.webp)
Two enemies will attack. Defeat them with your weapon. There is an achievement for picking up every weapon in the game, so you may want to watch out for weapons you can pick up. The game is sometimes picky about registering this unfortunately.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0049](condemned-criminal-origins-0049-small.webp)
Go through the opening they made and head left.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0050](condemned-criminal-origins-0050-small.webp)
At the corner of the hall, you'll find METAL PIECE #2.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0051](condemned-criminal-origins-0051-small.webp)
Continue forward. You'll come to a room where you'll smell decaying flesh. Press X to investigate with your Gas Spectrometer.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0052](condemned-criminal-origins-0052-small.webp)
The readout on the spectrometer will tell you how close you are to the smell. It'll lead you to BIRD #4.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0053](condemned-criminal-origins-0053-small.webp)
Go out of this room and to your right. Here you'll find a Health Kit Station on the wall.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0054](condemned-criminal-origins-0054-small.webp)
Break the glass with your weapon, then use the health if needed.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0055](condemned-criminal-origins-0055-small.webp)
Go through the double doors to the left of the health station.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0056](condemned-criminal-origins-0056-small.webp)
Go up the stairs you come to.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0057](condemned-criminal-origins-0057-small.webp)
Keep moving ahead. You'll come to a window with Dickenson talking to you. He'll give you a fire axe.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0058](condemned-criminal-origins-0058-small.webp)
You'll also be informed that you have a taser available to stun enemies. This can be used with the LB button.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0059](condemned-criminal-origins-0059-small.webp)
Below the window, you'll find BIRD #5.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0060](condemned-criminal-origins-0060-small.webp)
Pick up the fire axe on the floor.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0061](condemned-criminal-origins-0061-small.webp)
Backtrack the way you came. Near the stairs you'll find a door you can use your axe on.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0062](condemned-criminal-origins-0062-small.webp)
Swing the axe twice to break down the door.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0063](condemned-criminal-origins-0063-small.webp)
You'll unlock an Achievement here, "Bronze Detective Badge."
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0064](condemned-criminal-origins-0064-small.webp)
Go back to the window, where you talked to Dickenson. If you look the opposite direction from the window, you'll see another door that you can use the axe on.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0065](condemned-criminal-origins-0065-small.webp)
Inside will be two enemies. One will throw a chair at you and want to fight, while the other will flea. Kill the enemy here and then follow the enemy that ran away.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0066](condemned-criminal-origins-0066-small.webp)
You'll eventually catch back up with the other enemy. Dispatch him.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0067](condemned-criminal-origins-0067-small.webp)
Near here, you'll find BIRD #6 on a plywood table.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0068](condemned-criminal-origins-0068-small.webp)
You'll unlock the "Chapter 1 Silver Bird Award" Achievment.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0069](condemned-criminal-origins-0069-small.webp)
Go back to the two storage lockers near you. Go past them on the left.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0070](condemned-criminal-origins-0070-small.webp)
Then turn to the right. You'll see two more storage cabinets.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0071](condemned-criminal-origins-0071-small.webp)
On the opposite wall from these storage cabinets, you'll find a Health Box. Heal yourself if needed.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0072](condemned-criminal-origins-0072-small.webp)
Continue to the room past the storage lockers. You'll find a pillar here with eyes on it. There will be METAL PIECE #3 embedded in the pillar.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0073](condemned-criminal-origins-0073-small.webp)
Leave the room. Ahead of you there will be an open door. Go through it.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0074](condemned-criminal-origins-0074-small.webp)
Continue down the path until you find two more enemies to kill.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0075](condemned-criminal-origins-0075-small.webp)
Once they are dead, a door will open. Go through it.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0076](condemned-criminal-origins-0076-small.webp)
Watch the cut scene.
![Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthrough - Condemned Criminal-Origins 0077](condemned-criminal-origins-0077-small.webp)
You have completed Chapter 1. This unlocks the "Chapter 1 Completion Award" Achievement.
More Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthroughs
This Condemned Criminal Origins walkthrough is divided into 10 total pages.