This Condemned Criminal Origins walkthrough is divided into 10 total pages.
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Chapter 8
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Open the shut door on your right.
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Behind the desk you'll find BIRD #1. This will give you the "Chapter 8 Bronze Bird Award" Achievement.
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Exit the room and continue down the hall to a locked gate. To your right, you'll see debris in the path. It will move when you get close.
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Follow the debris and take the door to the left of it.
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Stick to the left wall. You'll find METAL PIECE #1 near a desk.
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Go through the broken wall.
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Grab the sledgehammer against the wall.
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Unlock and go through the door on your left.
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You'll find that you've come full-circle. Now you can use the sledgehammer on the gate.
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Go up the stairs.
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Then go through the door you come to.
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You'll see a butcher near a stove. He'll send some enemies after you and run off. Fight the enemies, then continue into the room with the stove. Go through the door to the right.
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You'll end up coming to a classroom with some enemies coming out of the roof. Defeat them.
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Then go through the open door.
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Another enemy will attack.
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Go through the door to the left of the chalkboard.
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Head down a hall, into the men's restroom.
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You'll find BIRD #2 on some heap of organic matter.
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Exit the restrooms and go through the door straight in front of you.
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You'll find an enemy writing on a chalkboard. Defeat him.
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Investigate the chalkboard that contains "Loose Lips Sink Ships."
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Head back out of the room. On your way out, you'll fall through the floor. Defeat the enemy here.
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Go through the door that has a red health box in it.
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There is another door in this room to go through. You'll see a window with some meat hanging in it. Go toward the window.
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Enemies will come out the door and attack.
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Continue on. Crawl over the counter.
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If you just stand here. An enemy with a gun won't notice you. Wait for the other enemy to leave the room, then stun the guy with the gun and finish him off.
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Go to the door with more enemies through it. Try to back off and let them fight. Take care of anyone that is left.
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In this room you'll find some stairs to go up. If you need health, follow the path the opposite direction first.
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Go through one of the doors at the top of the stairs.
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Head to the right, taking care of the enemy. Then go through the door at the end of the path.
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Go down some stairs and jump down at the end of them.
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Turn around and defeat the enemy. On your left, you'll see a path going past the stairs. Take this path.
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You'll find BIRD #3 on the ground here.
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Head back past the stairs and continue down the path. Enter a door at the end of the path.
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You'll be in a kitchen. Go in the walk-in cooler.
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Two enemies will swing along a meat hook track. If you hit them as they come by, you'll kill them.
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In the back of this room, you'll find the Butcher. This is one tough enemy. One tactic is to fight the Butcher with a table between you.
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When you kill the Butcher, take the Meat Cleaver from the body.
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You'll find a dead body on a table. Use the Meat Cleaver on the body.
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Now you can take the Fire Axe.
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Exit out of the kitchen. On the way out, you'll see a health box.
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Go back toward the stairs, fighting enemies along the way.
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Before you get to the stairs, you'll see a door on your right. Use the Fire Axe to get through it.
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You'll be in the gymnasium. Find the Power Box on the wall, and flip on the Circuit Breaker.
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A basketball hoop will drop down from the ceiling.
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Investigate the arm attached to it.
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After this, part of the floor will cave in. Jump down in the hole.
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To the left, you'll find a desk with METAL PIECE #2 near it.
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Continue through this area. You'll find a red health box. Climb the adder near this.
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Walk around the wall to find some stairs leading up and down. Take them down.
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You'll find BIRD #4 on the floor here.
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Look nearby for a TV. Use it to unlock the "Test Pattern TV Xbox 360" Achievement.
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Go back to the stairs and climb to the top.
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You'll be outside now. Go through the gate.
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Walk onto the playground, where you'll see your body on the ground. You'll get a call from Vanhorn, asking you to meet him out front.
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A few waves of enemies will attack you. Use the trash bin as cover. Sometimes you can get the enemies to fight each other. There's a rifle hidden in a room near the spot you saw your body.
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The tough guy with the sub-machine gun opened a gate when he came out. Go through this.
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Then jump down to the low window, breaking through it.
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Go down the hall.
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Investigate the blood you find on the wall.
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Continue to the rusted metal door. Open it.
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You'll come to a locker room. There will be an open door on your left.. go in it.
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Take BIRD #5 here.
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Exit back to the locker room. Follow the path until you find a window to jump through.
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After you jump over the window, grab any health you need on the wall.
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Move the object out of the way, and jump through the window.
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Take out the enemies in this locker room.
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Head to the back of the room. You'll find some lockers shaped in a U formation.
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Investigate one of the lockers on the right.
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Open the locker door.
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Take a picture of the victim you find.
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Rosa will ask for a close-up photo as well.
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Take the shovel from the locker where the victim was.
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Go through the shower room area.
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After you get past the shower room, you'll find a gate to use the shovel on.
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Turn the valve in here to get rid of the steam in the hall.
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Go down the hall, to the left of the gate. Open the door on your left.
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You'll find a swimming pool. Jump in.
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Head to the shallow end of the pool. You'll end up having some kind of nightmare happen. There will be a dozen or so enemies to fight.
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When you get back to reality, climb the ladder in the shallow end.
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Go into the door you see straight ahead.
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Grab the Fire Axe in this room.
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Leave the room and stick to the left wall. You'll find a door to break open with the fire axe.
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Go into the locker room. Turn around to defeat the enemy that comes up behind you.
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You'll find some health on the wall here.
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Go past the lockers. You'll find a sledgehammer on the left.
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Use the sledgehammer to open the rusted, metal door on the right side.
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Take METAL PIECE #3 in this room.
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Go back, past the lockers. Near the health box you'll find an exit into the shower room.
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Go through the bloody shower room.
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You'll come to a bathroom.
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There is a health kit on one of the sinks.
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Go through the door.
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Go down the hall and pick up BIRD #6 on a table. This will unlock the "Chapter 8 Silver Bird Award" Achievement.
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Walk toward the counter, triggering some cut scenes.
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You'll talk to Rosa about an Apple Orchard.
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Continue forward. You'll see Vanhorn through the glass doors. Walk to him to end Chapter 8.
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You'll unlock the "Chapter 8 Completion Award" Achievement.
More Condemned Criminal Origins Walkthroughs This Condemned Criminal Origins walkthrough is divided into 10 total pages.