This Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon walkthrough is divided into 7 total pages.
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Mission #1 - You got time to duck?

The first mission of the game will begin with a quite long cutscene. You can skip it if you want to jump right into the action.

Start using the minigun mounted on the helicopter to take out the enemy soldiers inside the base and cause as much havoc as possible.

A few enemy helicopters will appear as well, make sure to take them out as fast as possible before they will damage your helicopter.

After dealing with most of the enemy soldiers inside the base, the helicopter will set you down on a shore, nearby the base.

Follow the on-screen instructions, or simply just skip the tutorial by repeatedly pressing 'Enter'.

Once the on-screen instructions are gone, make your way to the rhomb shaped objective indicator.

After jumping over the crack, you will have to crouch and make your way further through the pink passage.

Press 'F' to perform a Takedown on the enemy soldier guarding the other end of the passage.

After taking out the enemy soldier, press 'Z' to enable your Cyber-Eye in order to identify the remaining enemy soldiers on the field and start sneaking up behind them to perform takedowns.

When you've finished taking out the remaining enemy soldiers on the field, make your way to the entrance inside the base.

Make your way to the other end of the hallway and take out the guards without alerting other enemies.

Now that you've made it inside the enemy base, you will have to make your way to the alarms marked on the mini-map and disable them without being seen.

If you do manage to get spotted, just take cover behind a crate and start going on a rampage, killing all the enemy soldiers inside the base.

After getting rid of all the enemy soldiers inside the base, make your way inside the bunker and meet up with Spider.

Spider will be waiting for you right at the entrance inside the bunker. After regrouping, you will have to follow him further inside the bunker and reach the control room.

On your way to the control room, you are going to come across some enemy soldiers, take them out as quickly as possible and make sure Spider doesn't get killed or else you are going to fail the mission.

Once you've made it inside the control room, you will have to continue following Spider until you reach the mainframe.

Protect Spider from the waves of incoming enemies that will try to kill him while he hacks the mainframe.

Unfortunately, Spider isn't going to succeed in hacking the mainframe.

You will have to make a run to the elevator before enemies get too close to you, and get to the missile panel before it's too late.

Rex will manage to get to the missile panel and stop the countdown just in time. The mission will come to an end once the cutscene's over.
More Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Walkthroughs
This Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon walkthrough is divided into 7 total pages.