This L.A. Noire walkthrough is divided into 20 total pages.
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The Studio Secretary Murder
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 220](l.a.-noire-220-small.webp)
Our doubts on the previous cases are now coming to light., but nothing to get excited about yet. Head over to the pawnshop and talk to the owner.
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 221](l.a.-noire-221-small.webp)
Examine the rings and get more information from the owner. He'll then give you an address and a vague description. Nothing helpful of course.
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 222](l.a.-noire-222-small.webp)
Get back to your car and head over to the railway which is your actual crime scene this time. A police car will once again escort you to the crime scene.
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 223](l.a.-noire-223-small.webp)
When you get to the scene, talk to Mal first and get his findings on the body. Of course, the same M.O. again.
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 224](l.a.-noire-224-small.webp)
Examine the body and check her head to gain the clue, vagrancy. Now check her right hand to find another stolen ring.
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 225](l.a.-noire-225-small.webp)
Leave the body and head over to the yellow blanket. Open the purse to find the upper half of a letter as well as a movie lot ticket. Examine the matches to get the bar's address and the receit beside it for your next objective, Levine's Liquor.
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 226](l.a.-noire-226-small.webp)
Time to talk to your witnesses. First up is the guy in the stripes. He'll testify about finding your victim and the first witness in... uhm... an awful way.
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 227](l.a.-noire-227-small.webp)
Now turn around and head for the guy who's wearing a green checkered shirt. He's the first one to find the body. Examine the lipstick that he's gonna give you and proceed with the questioning.
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 228](l.a.-noire-228-small.webp)
"Interferance with Evidence" - Truth ⢠"Discovery of Victim's Body" - Doubt. And yes we all love Rusty at this moment.
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 229](l.a.-noire-229-small.webp)
Use the telephone near the crime scene and get the address for Levine's Liquor, then jump in car and start heading there.
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 230](l.a.-noire-230-small.webp)
Talk to the owner and he'll confirm the identity of your victim as an acquaintance of his. He'll then show you to the back room where the victim was staying.
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 231](l.a.-noire-231-small.webp)
Inside the room, near the entrance you'll find a pinball and a trophy award as well as a nameplate with the victim's name.
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 232](l.a.-noire-232-small.webp)
Near the suitcase you'll find a book with the name of the owner in the first page and a photograph of Ms. Summers during better days. Nothing else to do here, head back to the shot and interview the shop owner.
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 233](l.a.-noire-233-small.webp)
"Contact with Victim" - Truth ⢠"Relationship with Victim" - Truth ⢠"Knowledge of McCaffrey" - Doubt
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 234](l.a.-noire-234-small.webp)
With nothing else to do at the Liquor store, get back in your car and head to Mensch's Bar this time. The bartender will immediately talk to you about Ms. Summers.
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 235](l.a.-noire-235-small.webp)
Well he says to ask anyone, but there's only one guy in the bar. The owner of the book you found at the Liquor store, McCaffrey. Interview McCaffrey.
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 236](l.a.-noire-236-small.webp)
"Criminal History" - Doubt ⢠"Relationship with Victim" - Lie/Evidence - Book
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 237](l.a.-noire-237-small.webp)
Get back in your car after talking to McCaffrey and you'll receive a call from Central. Head to the Central Station to meet up with your captain.
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 238](l.a.-noire-238-small.webp)
Once again you have to go down to Tech Services and a cutscene will start. More doubt will surface about the previous cases. But you'll be back on the Summers case soon enough.
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 239](l.a.-noire-239-small.webp)
Use the phone inside the station to get McCaffrey's address, then head for the bowling alley to meet the man Ms. Summers was with on the night of her murder, James Tiernan.
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 240](l.a.-noire-240-small.webp)
The old lady at the counter will give you some information about Tiernan and Summers's relationship. After speaking with her, enter through the door on the left side of the ailes and chase Tiernan.
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 241](l.a.-noire-241-small.webp)
He's gonna get in a car so you will have to chase after him in the streets. Stir him off of the road and arrest him.
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 242](l.a.-noire-242-small.webp)
After taking Tiernan into custody, get back in your car and don't go to central station yet. Instead go to McCaffrey's apartment to get more evidence.
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 243](l.a.-noire-243-small.webp)
Look at the mailboxes on the side of the entrance and find McCaffey's apartment number then head up to his room.
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 244](l.a.-noire-244-small.webp)
Inside McCaffrey's apartment you'll find the other half of the torn letter on top of the study table in the living room.
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 245](l.a.-noire-245-small.webp)
On the right side of the table you'll find a bloody tire iron and a bloody shirt which strongly suggests that McCaffrey is our guy.
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 246](l.a.-noire-246-small.webp)
After examining the bloody items a woman will come and disturb you/ She'll also inform you that McCaffrey is on the rooftop. Head upstairs and confront McCaffrey.
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 247](l.a.-noire-247-small.webp)
Of course he's gonna run from you. Figures. Chase after him until you get to the ground and try to catch up to him then mash the A button to take him down and bring him in for questioning.
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 248](l.a.-noire-248-small.webp)
Head back to Central Station after catching McCaffrey. Tiernan is in the room 1 and McCaffrey is in 2. I suggest talking to Tiernan first.
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 249](l.a.-noire-249-small.webp)
"Relationship with Victim" - Lie/Evidence - Victim Last Seen (McCaffrey's Testimony in the bar) ⢠"Victim's Book Found" - Doubt ⢠"Alibi for James Tiernan" - Lie/Evidence - Liquor Purchase ⢠"Access to Murder Weapon" - Doubt
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 250](l.a.-noire-250-small.webp)
Don't charge Tiernan, he'll give you more information about the ring that's missing from the victim, then you can go and interrogate McCaffrey afterwards.
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 251](l.a.-noire-251-small.webp)
"Alibi for McCaffrey" - Lie/Evidence - Torn Letter ⢠"Access to Tire Iron" - Lie/Evidence - Tiernan's Accusation. McCaffrey will then give you his version of the story.
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 252](l.a.-noire-252-small.webp)
Leave the interrogation room and use the telephone right outside the door. A message will be available for you and a new clue will be added in your list. After putting the phone down head back to Tiernan.
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 253](l.a.-noire-253-small.webp)
"Events Prior to Murder" - Lie/Evidence - McCaffrey's Accusation. Still, don't charge this kid. Leave the room and head back to McCaffrey.
![L.A. Noire Walkthrough - L.A. Noire 254](l.a.-noire-254-small.webp)
"Military Service" - Lie/Evidence - McCaffrey's Criminal Record. After his outburst we are obviously charging this guy. Charge him and have a minor celebration for yourself.
More L.A. Noire Walkthroughs
This L.A. Noire walkthrough is divided into 20 total pages.