Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm Walkthrough Skygeirr 1: Infested

September 12, 2016 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 6 minutes

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Skygeirr 1: Infested

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This mission might be a bit hard. You start off with 4 infestors.

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Use your fungal growth ability to kill the marines.

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Step into the circle to...

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...mutate a virophage that spawns infested terrans.

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Your second ability takes control of one enemy unit, permanently.

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Rather useful on the banshees, since they can use cloak.

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Plant the second virophage.

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Push forward with the infested terrans and the banshees.

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Use your neural parasite on the enemy diamond backs.

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Diamond backs deal a heavy ammount of damage to armored targets.

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Plant the third virophage. Also, notice that every time you plant one, a creep tumor appears.

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After you plant the three phages and take care of the enemy base...

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Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm Walkthrough - Starcraft 2-Heart-of-the-Swarm 652 will get a base yourself. Start off with drones, as per usual.

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Also, spread that creep, since it will be required for the optional objective.

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Try pushing forward, but be careful not to lose your infestors. They cost a lot of gas.

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Make a second hatchery and 2 evolution chambers.

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Also, remember to defend the virophages. The enemies will send out squads to destroy them.

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You can replant them if you lose them, but it has to be with an infestor. That's why you're not supposed to lose your infestors.

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My strategy on this mission was a lot of zerglings.

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Push forward with zerglings and kerrigan. You can use the infestors to mind control additional enemy units, but be careful not to lose them.

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Get the two virophages on the high ground after you've taken care of the terran there.

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The wild mutation abiliy will be extremely useful, since it gives bonus health to your zerglings. They will die really fast against the firebats and helbats.

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Also, make sure to target the siege tanks. They will be a menace.

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Destroy the terran base to the north. Also, make an expansion over there right after destroying it. I made the mistake of taking it a lot later than i should have.

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Make 2 additional hatcheries for more zergling reinforcements, since we will be losing them every second.

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To do the optional objective, you must place a creep tumor next to the science facility.

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The terran will attack with everything they got, marines, siege tanks, medivacs, etcetera.

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Make a single queen just for the creep tumors. Also, i made the mistake of trying to go for mutalisks, but it was not worth it. Zerglings all the way.

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If the infested terran are not attacking, only push forward while your creep is spreading, if the infested are attacking however, push with them.

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Your zerglings will die out really fast, that is why you need to make many hatcheries.

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When your creep tumors are close enough, go for the second optional objective.

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There are more virophage locations to the west, also the optinal objective is that way.

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The infested terran will not go that way, which is why you will have to go with kerrigan and your zerglings only.

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Destroying the base to the west should be pretty easy, since there aren't many forces there.

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There is a virophage far to the north.

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"Even with wild mutation they lose their health so fast.

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Thing is, thores and turrets counter your mutalisks too hard to use them.

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After you have all of the virophages, the expansion and completed the optinal objectives, it will be time to destroy the enemy base.

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Attack with Kerrigan and the zerglings and when they die, just make more zerglings. They are easy enough to produce in vast ammounts.

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After the infested terrans start attacking again, it's game over for the enemies.

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Produce zerglings constantly and attack constantly.

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The planetary fortress might be a bit hard to take care of, but after some time...

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Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm Walkthrough - Starcraft 2-Heart-of-the-Swarm 682 should be able to get it to red health. That's when it will start degenerating, making it an easy target.

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You should be able to define the meaning of the Swarm to the terrans after enough time.

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Destroy the lab entrance and the mission will end.

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This Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm walkthrough is divided into 27 total pages.

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