This World Of Goo walkthrough is divided into 43 total pages.
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Second Hand Smoke

The objective here is to get 12 goo's through the flame and into the pipe.

You can't achieve this by simply building into the pipe due to the chain reaction that will happen.

As demonstrated here.

Begin by building a symmertical link where you start out and work your way downwards, keeping everything even and nice.

Once within proximity. light your construct by reaching down with a red goo

This will ignite your construct and remove the support for the slimy core.

This will make the slime box fall down into the hand..

And allow the black goo's to enter into the pipe through the flames, them not being flammable and ending the level.
More World Of Goo Walkthroughs
This World Of Goo walkthrough is divided into 43 total pages.