Blade Kitten Walkthrough Hidden Fortress

September 12, 2016 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 1 minutes

This Blade Kitten walkthrough is divided into 13 total pages.

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Hidden Fortress

Blade Kitten Walkthrough - Blade Kitten 195
Blade Kitten Walkthrough - Blade Kitten 195

Head right and climb the segments of walls.

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Blade Kitten Walkthrough - Blade Kitten 196

This level will also be relatively simple, mostly featuring a city with platforms.

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Blade Kitten Walkthrough - Blade Kitten 197

Head up and go right.

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Your objective will be to find these NPC's and talk to them while working yourself upwards.

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Blade Kitten Walkthrough - Blade Kitten 199

When you meet the first one, head left.

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Blade Kitten Walkthrough - Blade Kitten 200

Once you are at a sufficient height, the next NPC's location will be hinted. Go there and fight off any nearby enemies, orelse you won't be able to talk to the NPC.

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Blade Kitten Walkthrough - Blade Kitten 201

When you meet the third and final "witch", run right.

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Blade Kitten Walkthrough - Blade Kitten 202

Jump down any potentially risky ravines or fjords..

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And talk to the NPC once you run into the big gate in order to open it.

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After that, there will be segments of platforms, forcing you to go up, left, up, right, up, left, up, right.-

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Blade Kitten Walkthrough - Blade Kitten 205

Jump down the ravine..

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Blade Kitten Walkthrough - Blade Kitten 206

And into the giant mecha boss, ending the level.

More Blade Kitten Walkthroughs

This Blade Kitten walkthrough is divided into 13 total pages.

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