This Castlevania: Lords of Shadows walkthrough is divided into 46 total pages.
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Mountain Fortress

After Pan leaves head around the path and keep going. Charge up your magic bars once you reach the neutral energy font and you'll be shown a view of your destination.

Stand in front of the door and activate your shadow magic, then press and hold I to charge the cyclone boots. Once it's fully charged press the movement keys to the direction of the door to smash through it.

Head inside the door and turn left at the end of the corridor. You path is blocked so drop down on the ledge at the end of the path and shimmy over to the left side.

Once you get up on the next area some small trolls will come and attack you. Kill them off quickly then move away from the end of the path and double tap forward to activate the cyclone boots, then press jump to make it to the other side. Make sure that you jump on the left side or you won't make it.

On the next platform some trolls will come and attack you again, kill them then head to the entrance on the left side and use your chain to get up on the wall. Move left and right to create momentum and jump towards the next platform.

Make your way through the side of the mountain and across the gap. Use the cyclone boots to jump the gap since it's too wide for your normal jump.

Once you reach the ruined door turn left and climb on the ledge, then jump to the ledge on the left side and make your way up.

Once you get up on the next platform some trolls will come and attack you. After you've killed the first batch of trolls a giant will appear behind the fortress wall.

After you've dealt with all of the trolls the giant will start smashing at the walls, which will cause parts of the walkway to fall down. Stay at the middle and wait for the rubble at the right side to fall down. Then use your cyclone boots to jump the gap.

Use your chain to jump over to the next side and the giant will squish his hand through a hole and attempt to find you. Attack his hand until you deplete his health to make him go away.

Once he leaves use your chain to swing across the 2 chain points and make it to the next side. Immediately fill up your magic bars after the cutscene.

The giant will come out of the walls and attack you, there's nothing special about the battle. If he uses his right hand dodge to your right, and if he uses his left hand dodge to your left to avoid his blows.

Occassionally he'll use both hands. Dodge towards the ledge or towards the giant to avoid it, When you successfully dodge an attack retaliate with a combo of your own.

After depleting half of the giant's HP he'll become invulnerable. Wait for him to slam his right fist down and jump when he does. Then approach it and press U to use your chain.

After blinding his right eye the game will proceed in the same way, except now he will occasionally scratch his blind eye giving you a chance to fill up your magic bars.

He'll also occasionally pull out a rock from under the walkway and attempt to slam it on you. Dodge it and attack his hand to destroy the boulder.

When only a tiny bit of his HP is left he'll try to smash you with his hand again. This time you'll destroy his left eye leaving the giant blind. He'll sniff you out and attack.

With both of his eyes blinded the giant will be furious and attack you with faster attacks. You need to dodge them but don't stray away from the middle of the area.

If he starts growling at you, position yourself infront of the large triangular stone at the middle of the stage and press U to attach your chain and pull his head down on it to kill him.

After killing the giant head over to the right side and jump the gap then continue following the path, you'll see another large gap at the path on the right side. Use your cyclone boots to jump the gap and get to the other side.

Follow the path and turn left when the path splits. You'll see a ledge at the right side wall. Climb on the wall and use your chain to jump over the blockage.

After dropping down on the opposite end some trolls will come and attack you. Keep killing the trolls and wait for the large troll to appear.

Deplete his health and press U to use him as a mount, then head over to the glowing gate and use the troll to smash it open. A cutscene will play soon after.

After the cutscene head up the stairs and a chupacabra will steal all of your relics forcing you to chase and look for it.

Climb back down the stairs but don't go through the gates, you'll see some rocks on the left side that you can climb on, use it to climb up.

Turn left and fill up your magic bars if you need to, then head over to the ledges and make your way across.

Climb up on the tallest ledge and use your chain to swing over to the other side, then drop down and press U to nab the chupacabra and get back your relics.

After getting back your relics jump down on the right side and make your way back to the stairs that lead to the castle fortress.

Climb up the stairs and make your way to the main entrance. Activate your shadow magic, then press and hold I to charge your cyclone boots and press A to smash through the door.
More Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthroughs
This Castlevania: Lords of Shadows walkthrough is divided into 46 total pages.