Crysis Walkthrough Ascension

September 12, 2016 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 6 minutes

This Crysis walkthrough is divided into 11 total pages.

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Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 687
Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 687

As the cutscene progresses, an Alien scout will attack the VTOL from the rear. After a lot of firing, you manage to ward it off.

Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 688
Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 688

The pilot gets hit and the Marines send you in as the new pilot. Well, we knew that was coming, right?

Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 689
Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 689

When you start off in the cockpit, the VTOL will be nose-diving to the ground so press and hold SPACE to pull her up.

Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 690
Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 690

Once you regain control of the VTOL, Command will contact you and give you orders to escape the island and reach the aircraft carrier. Press and hold W to move forward.

Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 691
Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 691

It takes some time to get used to the controls of the VTOL, but if you have played other flight-based games it won't be too hard. Controls will flash in front of you as you progress. By default, Press SPACE to move up, LEFT CONTROL to move down, W to go forward and S to stop/go backward.

Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 692
Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 692

As you move forward, you will spot a couple of friendly VTOLs ahead. Follow them as Command instructs. Use the mouse to turn and look around. You will be instructed to maintain a low altitude. Do so as it gives you better control. Press F1 to cycle between cockpit view, nose view and third-person view.

Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 693
Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 693

Shortly you'll be informed that there is a squad of Marines waiting for pick up in the valley ahead. You will be given a secondary objective -- defend the air space while the other VTOLS extract the troops. Follow them across the bridge.

Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 694
Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 694

Time to check out the combat capabilities of the VTOL. LMB fires the main gun which can maintain rapid fire for a long time before overheating. RMB fires missiles but remember that there are only 12 missiles at your disposal.

Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 695
Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 695

The camp ahead is under attack by a few Alien Scouts. Move in and engage them. Keep the target in the reticule and keep firing.

Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 696
Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 696

Of course, they will attack you causing damage to the VTOL. Dodge their streams of fire by pressing SPACE or LEFT CONTROL to quickly move up or drop down.

Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 697
Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 697

Generally it's better to engage the Aliens from a distance, as your maneuverability is much less compared to the Aliens. This makes you an easy prey for them at close range. If you find yourself helplessly swarmed, push forward to gain some distance and then turn around to attack.

Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 698
Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 698

By keeping an Alien inside the reticule, you can tag it. Launch a missile as soon as it is tagged. The missile will home in on the tagged Alien, causing an instant kill.

Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 699
Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 699

Once all the Aliens are dealt with, your team will move on to investigate another camp. Punch it and follow the others.

Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 700
Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 700

Ahead, you will find a couple of small tornados. If you get too close to them, the VTOL will swing out of control and possibly crash. So evade them. Keep a low altitude always or it will be difficult to press forward. Press F1 and switch to third-person view for better navigation.

Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 701
Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 701

At the same time, The Alien energy sphere will be slowly expanding on you right so stick to the left of the valley. Use the afterburner by pressing LEFT SHIFT to get some extra thrust.

Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 702
Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 702

Sadly there is nobody left in this camp. Press forward to the next extraction point. The map may not be very useful here but your path is straightforward. Just bear left and keep going down the valley. Use afterburner to push yourself forward.

Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 703
Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 703

Just like earlier, you are required to defend other VTOLS while they pick up more troops. Move into the area marked in the map, keeping your eyes peeled for enemies.

Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 704
Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 704

You can see a lot of activity ahead, both friendly and hostile. The VTOL will gradually repair itself so even if you have taken some beating in the last fight, you will be ready for another dog fight by now.

Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 705
Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 705

A bunch of Aliens are here harassing the troops. Engage them.

Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 706
Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 706

Don't be shy to use your missiles. Tag Aliens with your reticule and quickly launch a missile by pressing RMB.

Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 707
Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 707

You will have to put your maneuvering skills to the test here. Press Q and E to roll and make a 180 degree turn to engage aliens behind you.

Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 708
Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 708

Circle around the camp, gunning down all Aliens that come within range. Always keep moving to evade the Alien fire.

Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 709
Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 709

Once you are done here, the team will take off and head for the aircraft carrier. Follow them. Since one of your engines was damaged in the very beginning of the chapter, you can't keep up with them but keeping going anyway.

Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 710
Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 710

Press forward through the valley. The VTOLs that flew ahead of you will find a truck convoy under attack by the aliens. Command will tell you to try to save them, but your priority is to get out of the island.

Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 711
Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 711

The convoy can't be saved no matter what. However you can use their position as a rally point on your way out. Three more Aliens ahead of you.

Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 712
Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 712

Engaging these guys is purely your choice. Evade their attack and keep moving down the valley. They won't follow you if you get away.

Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 713
Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 713

You'll find the burning remains of the convoy on the road below. Keep moving and get out of this gorge.

Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 714
Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 714

Another bunch of Aliens will attack you in the next valley. Take out as many as you can and press forward.

Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 715
Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 715

You will reach a port with several Aliens here and there. Keep up your speed. No point in turning around to attack them.

Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 716
Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 716

Once you reach the coast, keep flying to the open sea. Ignore any stranded Aliens that you may see.

Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 717
Crysis Walkthrough - Crysis 717

As you keep flying towards the horizon, Psycho will radio in and tell you that he is onboard the carrier with Prophet and Helena. He claims to have a 'souvenir' for Nomad. The chapter ends once the conversation is over.

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This Crysis walkthrough is divided into 11 total pages.

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