This Destiny walkthrough is divided into 20 total pages.
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The Archive

Just like the previous two missions, you'll start off in the Headlands. Head through the Shattered Coast and enter back into the Ishtar Academy.

When you reach the Ishtar Academy, you'll find the Fallen and the Vex going at it in the main room. Engage in battle if you like, otherwise continue on into the next area.

As you continue on, you'll encounter even more groups of Vex and Fallen. Since you're not in a Darkness Zone, you can always run past them and continue following the waypoint.

Ghost 07: When you see a red tarp hanging above you after you exit the building, find the ghost on the glass section of the next building right under the red tarp.

The Hall of Whispers is a Darkness Zone so make sure you are ready for the upcoming fight. This particular fight will be against the Fallen. Take cover behind one of the walls or corners and try to attack from there. Of note is a special Servitor, known as Simiks-3, as well as a Vandal that shoots from the second floor.

Ghost 09: Climb up the stairs that lead to the blue building. Climb the shorter stairs on your right until you reach a tree near the balcony. The dead ghost is resting on one of the branches.

Walk over to the waypoint to discover the ancient entrance to The Archive. Have your Ghost open the gate and head inside.

With the power still activated in The Archive, head towards the waypoint. The now opened archive has also invited a swarm of Fallen into the facility. Run back to the stairs that brought you into the archive and fight from there.

This will protect your back as all the enemies have already entered. From there, return to the main area of The Archive and take out any stragglers hanging around.

After the enemies are defeated, a new wave will appear, as well as the objective to fix one of the backup conduits.

A second backup conduit will need repairing, so fight through the next round of enemies and get to your conduit.

With the conduits repaired, clear out the remaining Fallen to finish the mission. This includes includes a strong Captain known as Grayliks, Winter Baron, as well as several Stealth Vandals.

These enemies will generally stay near your Ghost, so it's easy throw a wider range weapon.
More Destiny Walkthroughs
This Destiny walkthrough is divided into 20 total pages.