This Gears of War 2 walkthrough is divided into 28 total pages.
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Tip of the Spear Desperation

Through this game you will be prompted to hit the Y button. Doing so will center your screen on the direction you need to go, or something you need to do.

Hit Y, you will see that it points you at a set of doors. After you are through the doors you will meet one of your buddies, follow him.

You will eventually come to a balcony overlooking a large court yard.

In the center of the court yard are some tanks that you can blow up when enemy appear. Grab some cover and wait for them to arrive.

Wait for the grubs to cluster around the tanks in the center of the court yard, and then let them have it.

When they are all dead, follow your friends to the next court yard.

Walk to the left, and two more grubs will appear. Take them out. Continue forward.

Once again two more grubs will appear. Some kind of friendly chopper will take those grubs out, and your two friends will go down a different hallway. Continue forward.

You will come to a room with two grubs inside of it. Go in to the room grab some cover, and take those grubs out.

There's another grub hiding in the hallway out of this room with a couple of grenades. Kill him and grab the grenades. Continue forward.

You will come to another room with a couple of grubs in it. Take them out, and you will join back up with your friends.
Continue forward.

You will come to an ammo box by a door. That lets you go outside of the building.

There are a couple more grubs in the court yard here. Start taking them out.

Half way through this battle a Reaver will come in to the middle of the court yard, fire some shots, and the jump away.

Finish off the grubs in the court yard and then pick up the ammo box on the other side of it. Go through the door close to the ammo box.

You will meet a couple more grubs in yet another room. Take them out and keep moving forward.

You will come to a rather large room with two more grubs in it. When you have taken them out, move to the very end of the large room.

Two grubs will appear on a balcony above you. Walk up there and take them out. There is a box of ammo hidden on the top of the balcony. Continue forward.

You will come to a door that Jack needs to open.
When this happens grubs will hit you from both sides.

They will come from one side at a time, so they are pretty easy to take out. When they are gone, Jack will open the door.

As you move forward, your rookie will be waiting in the hallway for you. Okay, now it's time to go outside.

There are a ton of grubs out here this time.

Go to your left and down in to the street. Start taking out grubs. Move forward as you take them out.

You will eventually come to a barricade with a bunch of grubs behind it.

If you go to your left you will see a small window you can jump through. Crouch under the window and then pressing forward to see the option of jumping through it.

You can travel through this area to get behind the grubs that are behind the barricade. Keep moving forward, when you have killed those grubs.

You will encounter a couple more grubs dodging behind the trucks as you move forward, and then get a large cut scene to end this section.
More Gears of War 2 Walkthroughs
This Gears of War 2 walkthrough is divided into 28 total pages.