This Pokemon Emerald walkthrough is divided into 25 total pages.
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Road to the Final Badge - Sootopolis City

Head south through Route 124.

You will pass a red headed swimmer.

Keep on going South.

YOu will reach Router 126 quickly with a double battle.

Keep going till you reach white rocks.

It is around this area with white rocks that you want to dive.

At the very bottom of the underground area is a cave.

Go in the cave and resurface.

This will lead you to Sootopolis City.

The Poké Mart is on the left hand side.

The Pokémon Center is on the right hand corner.

The Gym is closed for the moment so we will go looking for Team Aqua since we can Dive now.

Before you leave make sure you have a Pokémon with Rock Smash and Strength.
More Pokemon Emerald Walkthroughs
This Pokemon Emerald walkthrough is divided into 25 total pages.