Space Marine Walkthrough Chapter 17 Main Against Daeman

September 12, 2016 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 4 minutes

This Space Marine walkthrough is divided into 17 total pages.

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Chapter 17 Main Against Daeman

Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 763
Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 763

Chapter 17 Man Against Daeman

Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 764
Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 764

Man he's an ugly sucker.

Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 765
Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 765

You'll be charged by six demons here. They will get pretty close to the red barrels. When they get close enough shoot the barrel. That will damage a few of them, but it will not take out any of them.

Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 766
Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 766

Switch over to your Melta. When they are close enough and grouped enough give them a blast. That will kill all of the ones that get caught in your range.

Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 767
Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 767

Finish the rest of them off with regular old melee attacks.

Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 768
Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 768

When they are all dead you will be faced by a wave of Chaos Guardsmen. They will come with three Chaos Marines.

Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 769
Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 769

They are all big threats. These boxes are a good place to regen your shields. Pop out and take out a guard or two. Then get back here to regen.

Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 770
Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 770

Grenades are a huge concern at this part. You can't leave cover or you will get blasted by a ton of fire. The grenades pop right into your cover, and all the guards throw them often. Taking out the guards really help reduce the number of grenades thrown your way.

Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 771
Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 771

When you get a Chaos Marine in your sights without any guardsmen, open up on him and hit him until he is dead.

Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 772
Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 772

When you've got one or two Chaos Marines left, melee them to replensih health.

Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 773
Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 773

After the last marine dies, two summoners will appear. They summon at least two waves of six demons each.

Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 774
Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 774

The demons are hard to take out with the summoners blasting away at you.

Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 775
Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 775

You can use a melta blast here to take them down faster.

Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 776
Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 776

When the demons are finished off, go back to working on the summoners.

Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 777
Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 777

Next you will fight two Chaos Captains, and six demons at the same time. Just melt the captains until they are dead. Do not try to execute one of them, because the demons will gang up on you and finish you off.

Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 778
Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 778

Try to catch both of them in your Melta blasts. When the two captains go down, the demons are easy.

Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 779
Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 779

Just keep blasting them with your Melta until the captains go down.

Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 780
Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 780

When the captains are dead give the rest of your Melta to the demons that are trying to kill you.

Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 781
Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 781

When they are all dead the Nemoroth will keep spewing stuff at you about how he's unstoppable, and then you'll get a cut scene.

Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 782
Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 782

You can use your stick to control where you are at on the screen. And you can fire you weapon like you normally would.

Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 783
Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 783

Eventually you will speed up and catch him. Then you'll be asked to pound the button shown at the bottom of the screen. The first one is triangle.

Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 784
Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 784

The next one is circle. You use it to prevent him from crushing you.

Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 785
Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 785

Shortly thereafter you are flying behind him again. Keep moving around the screen so he can't hit you with his bolts.

Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 786
Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 786

The next button sequence is pound square and then press X to dodge.

Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 787
Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 787

I think you do the pound square and then press X to dodge five times.

Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 788
Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 788

Then they have you pound triangle beat on his head.

Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 789
Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 789

He will try to crush you again so pound circle to break out of his grip.

Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 790
Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 790

Keep pounding circle and you will rip his head off. End of ugly sucker.

Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 791
Space Marine Walkthrough - Space Marine 791

"Chapter 18 Epilogue

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This Space Marine walkthrough is divided into 17 total pages.

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