Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm Walkthrough Char 2: Fire in the Sky

September 12, 2016 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 3 minutes

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Char 2: Fire in the Sky

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Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm Walkthrough - Starcraft 2-Heart-of-the-Swarm 455

This is a tricky, and could be a hard, mission. Start off by making drones.

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Goal of the mission is to use the scourge nests by placing a creep tumor right next to them.

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If you have completed the 2 other planets before this mission, your strategy will be to have 2 queens to make creep tumors and mass zerglings.

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I recommend not putting a creep tumor right away, wait for the Gorgon to be a bit closer.

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If Char is your first planet, then your strategy would be to get queens and zerglings. Priority would be Upgrades->Queens->Zerglings.

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Speaking about upgrades, start your lair and 2 evolution chambers as soon as you can.

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The terran will send squads to attack you from time to time. I would recommend making a few spine crawlers for defence.

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This here is a defiler corpse.

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Use it to gain a level.

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Make sure you make as many creep tumors as you can, they are the most crucial thing so far.

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Every time you activate a scourge nest, a gorgon dies.

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If you're using the mass zergling strategy, make a 3rd hatchery.

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If you kill the firebats that are shooting at the air...

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Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm Walkthrough - Starcraft 2-Heart-of-the-Swarm 468 will gain small reinforcements.

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Going to the south, you will find a few terran buildings with minerals behind them.

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And a bit to the right is a command center with minerals and gas.

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Explore everywhere, since you will find mineral and gas caches everywhere.

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Remember to spread creep, otherwise you will surely lose.

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Continue pushing forward to gain access to more scourge nests.

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The next defiler remains are to the north-east.

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Also, be careful of enemy attacks. I didn't put any spine crawlers and now i'm suffering the consequences.

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The last defiler remains are far to the south east.

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If you followed the strategy properly...

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Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm Walkthrough - Starcraft 2-Heart-of-the-Swarm 478 should win easily.

More Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm Walkthroughs

This Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm walkthrough is divided into 27 total pages.

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