This Castlevania: Lords of Shadows walkthrough is divided into 46 total pages.
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Waterfalls of Agharta

Examine the knight at your left side and head towards the large hole on the right side. Follow the tunnel and jump down on the lower platform outside of it. You'll be shown a glowing tree and no way to get across anywhere.

After being shown the glowing tree, a large spider will come up. Keep attacking it until you deplete its to around 15% of its total health.

The spider will start to glow, press U to mount the spider and you'll be given a short tutorial on using spiders as a mount.

Now head over to the glowing tree and press L to make the spider spout a web line towards it. Mash the button that will appear to pull the tree down.

Press U and I together to strangle the spider then use your chain to get to the other side via the tree you pulled down.

Go towards the path on the left side and drop down on the ledge at the end of the path near the stone wall.

Shimmy over to the left side and stop moving then wait for Gabriel to look behind him and press K to jump towards the other ledge.

Climb up on the ledge and go towards the broken bridge. Use your chain to get you to the other side. You'll be attacked by a lycan as soon as you get to the other side.

After killing the lycan head over to the left side and climb up the ledges at the side of the wall. Then use your chain to climb up higher.

Once you get high enough to reach the platform on the left, start running to the left and right side to create momentum, then jump towards the platform.

Head through the opening and you'll be attacked by a group of lycans. There's not a lot of them but if you're having trouble killing them remember that they're weak towards your dagger.

Go to the right side and you'll find a statue with a glowing head. Approach it and use your chain to pull it down.

Once the statue's face falls down, use it to get closer to the hoop at the right side. Then use the hoop to rappel down and drop on the ground.

Then go to the right side and you'll see a glowing point. Approach it and use your chain to get to the other side. You may need to get really close to the edge before the chain point lights up.

A cutscene will play after you get to the other side and an unavoidable encounter with a troll. Mash the button that will appear on the screen to get the troll to let go of you.

You'll then be attacked by a group of them. Focus on the large troll, he's the most dangerous. Use your light magic to replenish your health if you take too much damage.

Press U when the troll starts to glow and be careful that you don't accidentally kill him or you'll have to take on another troll and deplete its health.

Once you've successfully mounted on the troll, go towards the glowing rock at the back and smash it with J, then strangle the troll by pressing U and I together.

Beyond the rock you'll find a glowing point that you can attach to. Use your chain to get to the other side.

You'll find a health font on the next platform, use it to heal yourself, then head over to the path on the left side. Press U to use your chain and break the statue that's blocking your way.

Jump over to the next platform and more lycans will come and attack you. Kill them then head over to the left side of the platform, behind the tree. You'll find a glowing ledge here, use it to climb up the wall.

Shimmy over to the left towards the waterfalls and jump across to the other side. Continue towards the left until you're able to fall down on solid ground.

Head over to the left side and around the large rock formation and you'll find a glowing point that you can use your chain on. Approach it and press U to attach your chain.

Climb up the wall and drop down on the other side and another large spider will come and attack you, it will also break the bridge which is your only way out of here.

Deplete the spider's health and mount it. Then use it to make a web bridge by pressing L near the broken bridge. Strangle it after it makes a bridge then cross over to the other side.

Enter the building once you get to the other side and look to the right side. You'll see a statue that's glowing. Press U near it to use your chain and break it.

Inside you'll find a knight's corpse. Examine it and Gabriel will acquire a shadow magic medallion.

Now head back outside and go to the right. You'll find a neutral energy statue. Press F and H together to fill up both of your magic bars, then head back inside.

Head for the glowing plate beside the bars and activate your shadow magic by pressing E, then interact with it by pressing U to open the gate.

Go inside the next rooma nd you'll be attacked by lycans. Practice using your light and shadow magic on them, it's good to know when you need to use either one of these, especially for boss battles.

After killing them head over to the right sidem near the statue head and climb up on the ledge. Then use your chain to get up higher.

Start walking right and left while you're still hanging on the chain and jump to the right once you've gained enough momentum. Then press U while in the air to attach the chain on the next chain point.

Climb up the chain and shimmy over to the left side. Then use your chain to climb up higher. Create momentum and jump over to the platform on the left side.

Climb up the ledge on the elft side and jump over to the next platform. Once there climb up the ledge on the left side again.

The view will change. Make your way near the chain point and swing on it, then jump once it starts swinging to the right and attach your chain on the next chain point.

Climb up and press U to make Gabriel attach his chain on that hard to see chain point right across from where you are to end the level.
More Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthroughs
This Castlevania: Lords of Shadows walkthrough is divided into 46 total pages.